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JavaScript/TypeScript (Lumos)


Lumos is the JavaScript/TypeScript SDK designed for developers who want to interact with the Nervos CKB in both web environments and Node.js applications. The flexibility and widespread use of JavaScript/TypeScript make it an excellent choice for developing web-based dApps. Lumos is particularly suitable for creating interactive and user-friendly web interfaces, as well as full-stack blockchain solutions.


Node.jsJavaScript runtime
pnpmFast, disk space efficient pacakaga manager

To verify that you have Node.js and npm installed, you can run this in your terminal:

node -v
pnpm -v

Setup Project

  1. Create a new project: Open a terminal and run the following commands to create a folder for your Lumos project:
mkdir lumos-example
cd lumos-example
pnpm init -y
  1. Install Lumos: Add the Lumos dependency to your project:
pnpm add @ckb-lumos/lumos
  1. Install TypeScript (Optional): If you want to use TypeScript, you can install it globally using:
pnpm add -g typescript

Setup Client

@ckb-lumos/lumos provides a convenient way to interact with CKB nodes. You can connect to different networks (Testnet, Devnet, and Mainnet) by specifying the appropriate URL.

import { RPC } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos";

const TESTNET_RPC_URL = ""; // Testnet
const DEVNET_RPC_URL = ""; // Devnet
const MAINNET_RPC_URL = ""; // Mainnet

// Connect to Testnet
const rpc = new RPC(TESTNET_RPC_URL);


Generate a Wallet

We can easily generate a private key and address using ckb-lumos/hd. Create a wallet.ts file in the root directory, and enter the following code:

import { hd, config, helpers } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos";
const { mnemonic, ExtendedPrivateKey, AddressType } = hd;

// Use Testnet environment for this example

// Generate a mnemonic and derive a private key
export const generateFirstHDPrivateKey = () => {
const m = mnemonic.generateMnemonic();
const seed = mnemonic.mnemonicToSeedSync(m);
const extendedPrivKey = ExtendedPrivateKey.fromSeed(seed);
return extendedPrivKey.privateKeyInfo(AddressType.Receving, 0).privateKey;

// Derive an address from the private key
const getAddressByPrivateKey = (privateKey: string) => {
const args = hd.key.privateKeyToBlake160(privateKey);
const template = config.predefined.AGGRON4.SCRIPTS["SECP256K1_BLAKE160"]!;
const lockScript = {
codeHash: template.CODE_HASH,
hashType: template.HASH_TYPE,
args: args,

return helpers.encodeToAddress(lockScript);

const privateKey = generateFirstHDPrivateKey();
const address = getAddressByPrivateKey(privateKey);
console.log("privateKey: ", privateKey);
console.log("address: ", address);

Run the following command and see output in the console:

npx ts-node wallet.ts

When you generate a private key, keep it in a safe place and do not disclose it to anyone, otherwise the asset may not be unlocked or lost.

Check CKB Balance

To check the balance of a CKB address, you need to collect the Cells associated with the address and sum their capacities. Add the following code to your wallet.ts file:

import { BI, RPC, Indexer } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos";

// CKB also provides an indexer rpc to help searching easily.
const TESTNET_RPC_URL = "";

const rpc = new RPC(TESTNET_RPC_URL);
const indexer = new Indexer(TESTNET_INDEXER_URL, TESTNET_RPC_URL);

// Check CKB balance
async function getCapacities(address: string): Promise<BI> {
const collector = indexer.collector({ lock: helpers.parseAddress(address) });

let capacities = BI.from(0);
for await (const cell of collector.collect()) {
capacities = capacities.add(cell.cell_output.capacity);

return capacities;

console.log(`address: ${address}`);
getCapacities(address).then((capacities) =>
console.log(`balance: ${capacities.div(10 ** 8).toString()} CKB`)
CKB vs. Shannons

The unit of capacity in CKB is Shannon, 1 CKByte = 100,000,000 Shannons, so here we have to divide by 10^8 to get the unit of CKB

Now, run the following command again to check the balance:

npx ts-node wallet.ts

It looks like we don't have any CKB yet, but don't worry, we can claim CKB from Pudget Faucet. After inputting your address and claiming 10000.0 CKB, wait about 10s, and run the above command to check your balance again. You should see the change in your balance.

address: <your-address>
balance: 10000 CKB

Build a Transfer Transaction

Suppose Bob is a pizzeria and you have ordered a pizza from Bob for 100 CKB. Now you need to pay Bob. Bob's address is: ckt1qzda0cr08m85hc8jlnfp3zer7xulejywt49kt2rr0vthywaa50xwsqgy5rtexzvhk7jt7gla8wlq5lztf79tjhg9fmd4f.

Update the wallet.ts to build the transfer:

import { commons, Address, HexString } from "@ckb-lumos/lumos";

const transfer = async (
from: Address,
to: Address,
capacity: number,
privateKey: HexString
) => {
let txSkeleton = helpers.TransactionSkeleton({ cellProvider: indexer });

// Build the base transaction
txSkeleton = await commons.common.transfer(
// Pay the transaction fee
txSkeleton = await commons.common.payFeeByFeeRate(txSkeleton, [from], 1000);

// Prepare signing entried and sign the transaction
txSkeleton = commons.common.prepareSigningEntries(txSkeleton);
const message = txSkeleton.get("signingEntries").get(0)?.message;
const Sig = hd.key.signRecoverable(message!, privateKey);
const tx = helpers.sealTransaction(txSkeleton, [Sig]);

// Send the transaction
return rpc.sendTransaction(tx, "passthrough");

const bobAddress =
transfer(address, bobAddress, 100 * 10 ** 8, privateKey).then(
(txHash: string) => console.log("txHash: ", txHash)

Run the following command to execute the transfer:

npx ts-node wallet.ts

You can look up the transaction by pasting your txHash to the Explorer. This transaction consumed a 10000 CKB Cell and generated a 100 CKB Cell for Bob as well as generated change for itself.

Additional Resources